Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tom Clancy's A Fucker

1) having someone say "old boy" and "chap" does not make them british (or more british)
2) you cant solve a terrorist problem by going in balls first (the american way, i take it), and kill every mother fucker in a room, although it works the best i assume
3) russians, though the older ones were communist, are not evil, despite what the american government says. their way fell, remember? that means it doesnt work, so why would anyone become a terrorist for a government that doesnt exist anymore? thats like me shooting someone in the name of atlantis or heian court japan. if it doesnt exist anymore (or ever) then you cant fight for it...
thank you

z out

People In Dust Houses Shouldn't Ever Sneeze

so yeah, apparently, someone has been emptying the dustbag in vaccums and then building models with the dust in them. i find this slightly weird...i take that back...this is fucked up...who has this kinda time? seriously...

z out

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Bruce Lee Is Coming To Kick Your Ass

the good people of bosnia-herzgovinia decided that for bruce lee's 65th birthday, they would have a statue built to celebrate. i would be afraid of someone blowing this thing up, cos i know the bosnians love blowing shit up. also, i would be afraid of a mage casting a spell that allowed this thing to walk around. man could you imagine what it would be like having a metal bruce lee following you around trying to kick your ass, terminator-style? he would be unstoppable cos hes metal...
man we gotta keep those mages outta bosnia. who knows what they would be up to. seriously, this things like a dalek without the guns or will to kill me. mmm...golems...
i wonder whats gonna happen when someone defaces it? will it punch them in their face and then just chill there? cos if i had a statue, i would put cameras in its eyes and when someone came up too close to it, i would hit a button that punched with the arm...i bet thats what happens...
z out

Monday, November 28, 2005

Monkeys Like You Should Be In Their Zoo

man, french people rioting are hilarious...especially when they throw them chairs. YAY! THROW THE CHAIRS FOR FREEDOM! W00T!
z out


man i feel fucking great. i have almost five pages of my paper, four of which actually have writing. totally sugoku-awesome-desu. man it feels great to be a bullshit, i mean english major. there is also only one quote from aristotle, which then led to a full page of analysis and expansion into the real world, which means mmBULLSHIT! im feeling fucking excellent. if only lock could be so easily quoted and expanded.
z out bitchz

Don't Hate, Participate

i fucking hate core and everything that core stands for. its a stupid fucking waste of my time. i hate writing this goddamn paper and i dont think i'll be done til later tomorrow morning. also i have practice until ten. fuck. fuck. fuck.
in other news, augustine is a stupid fucking bitch.
also boondocks is awesome. Nyicka! bitch ass pussy ass old ass Nyicka!
i bet beating up old blind guys would be quite fun.
z out


thanksgiving was awesome. i had way too much food, but other than that it was cool. ive noticed that if i am around my family too long, that i find myself getting annoyed for random reasons and feel like i wanna explode. i think it's cos my mom has a habit of taking the ocd way too far and talking and at me. well, this weekend is the performance of the play and all i can hope for is that i dont fuck up...really i always wih for that before any performance, but heres hoping. also got in some really good jam sessions with my brother. umm what else is new...
ive decided that part of my reason for insomnia seems to be my unwillingness to be alone...i hate being alone so much, and when i hang out with geeze or ben or stu or anyone in general, i find myself trying to find ways of extending the visits because i dont wanna be alone. a good chunk, however has to do with my secret and it keeps me up at night, thinking of ways to handle it and such. i keep whining about this secret, but it really keeps me awake.
i watched the entire first season of friends this weekend and i think i have attached different people that i know to characters in the show. for instance, i see myself in ross, stu and ben are a mix of joey and chandler, britty and anna are monica, laura is rachel, sarah is is phoebe. it makes sense, to me at least. just thought i'd share. hmm what else...
i think that be all. anyways i need ta write a paper tomorrow, so the majority of my time will be spent in a computer lab. i also need to acquire alkeymahol tomorrow. mmm alkeymahol.
z out

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Top 25 Most Listened To Songs (According To iTunes)

1) we're gonna groove-led zeppelin 15 times
2) staring at the sun-tv on the radio 13 times
3) obstacle 1-interpol 10 times
4) date with the night-yeah yeah yeahs 10 times
5) the wrong way-tv on the radio 9 times
6) satellite-tv on the radio 9 times
7) maps-yeah yeah yeahs 9 times
8) rock n roll motherfucker-d4 8 times
9) change (in the house of flies)-deftones 8 times
10) pressure point-zutons 8 times
11) sandstorm-darude 7 times
12) all these things that i've done-killers 7 times
13) andy, you're a star-killers 7 times
14) shinobi vs. dragon-ninja-lostprophets 7 times
15) blitzkrieg bop-ramones 7 times
16) fell in love with a girl-white stripes 7 times
17) volcano-damien rice 6 times
18) are you gonna be my girl?-jet 6 times
19) somebody told me-killers 6 times
20) the blues-one-note stand 6 times
21) what'd i say- ray charles 6 times
22) don't ever think (too much)-zutons 6 times
23) paranoid-black sabbath 5 times
24) badge-cream 5 times
25) darts of pleasure-franz ferdinand 5 times

some more that you can know about me...
z out

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Britty's Prompt

my favorite color? i would have to say either black or red. they are my favorite dice, and almost immediately the colors i pick when in a game (video game or otherwise). my tux for prom was even this badass tux with a coat that went to my knees: it had black pants, shirt, shoes and a red vest and ties. it was the best thing ever. whenever i play music for reals for reals, i wear this short sleeve black button down shirt (i hate playing with anything from my elbows down), black pants and a red tie. and fuck you, im not emo or copying greenday fuckers. i came up with that look almost five years ago...why's everybody gotta be a goddamn copy? anyway, more info that you may or may not know about me. well i guess green is pretty high up there...i have a guitar thats green, i like money, frogs are cool with me. yeah my favorite colors are red black and green. awesome-desu.
z out

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


fuck. i just went from website to website looking for reviews of music, and pitchfork (surprise) and rolling stone (wtf?) are bitches. any music that they receive, they ejaculate all over it. theres so much ejaculate on pitchfork, that i cant tell helpful from sucking off the artists ego. goddamn. i think i am going o start writing according to writing prompts given to me by people. this is at least more fun than doing school work. fuck.
z out

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

...And Now For Something Completely Different...

the day that richard had at work was one that was, by now, considered a standard monday: annoying clients, pissy retailers, and even more pissy managers. the managers seemed to love cracking the whip over the loyal peons, crushing the will to fight. richard was counting down the days until the monotony was broken by a group of freedom fighters broke in and demanded the transferance of the "loyal peons" to the steady, caressing waves of the "dream vacation" that awaited every peon, as long as they did their work and quietly accepted the words of the masters as law. until that day came, he spent his days doing just as he promised with his signature: eyes down, a simple "yes, sir" when addressed by his superior (in title alone), and his time spent dutifully filling out expense reports for his "superiors" that they were too busy to fill out. busy, in this case, meant fucking their secretary, then bragging about the "squealer" when they all dined out at alesandro's for lunch. they never abided by the one hour rule on lunch breaks, yet their managers turned a blind eye to their blatant indiscretions. richard took joy in the fifteen minute smoke breaks he used to clear the disease from his lungs, the smell of sterility that was so abundant in his office (a cubicle) that at times it was sickening. he took pleasure in the bagels he had for lunch, for it was all he could afford, what with there being no rent control on his apartment; a bagel, while his "betters" who couldnt do their own goddamn work dined in the most expensive restaurant in town. he couldnt wait to retire from this miserable job; it was sad, his looking forward to old age. he couldnt wait to be some retired old man, no kids, no grandkids, waiting for death in his state run hospital bed, wondering if his heart monitor might suddenly give out, or if he had another stroke in the middle of the night, or if the nurse dropped the ive bag on the ground as she changed it, sending that one, tiny inconsequential bubble to his heart, ending his miserable existence. until then, he had the smoke breaks; the smoke breaks and the occasional run-in with brad, from down in the mail room. though brad was involved with a girlfriend, richard knew he was just holding out for him, knew that deep down, brad felt the connection too, even if it were no more than the inconsequential brush off fingertip to palm as richard took his mail from the mailboy. but he wasnt a queer. his father made it very clear that homosexuals were wrong and not to be trusted. thats why it was alright for richard to masturbate to brad; as long as he didnt act on his fantasies, then he wasnt a fag, a queer, a buttfucker. in fact, brad is the reason richard first got into jazz. richard was asking about things that interested the mail boy, and his answer was billie holiday; jelly roll morton; john coltrane; wes montgomery; miles. the glass of wine that richard had at night was accompanied by a half hit of vicodin and the sound of billie holiday. that voice, so smooth, so encompassing, ushered him out of his state in life. it gave him his release from time. he sailed along the ridges of her voice, felt the bumps in the back of her throat, the subtle ways that her larynx expanded and contracted to create the sultry, slutty sounds of her voice. he breathed in the sound, taking in the slippery intonations of jazz; happiness.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Burn, Baby, Burn!

im getting this burned out feeling, even with the light course load that i have. i am finding myself less and less concerned with school, focusing more and more on the play practices, where i play drums, and then just chilling with people. i guess maybe im just not interested in anything that im taking this semester, with the exception of psychology. geeze says that i should just bite the bullet and dcelare myself a psychology major, but i dont like biology, and i like even less the idea of waking up at all hours of the mornings to go to class; also, four hour labs would suck. seriously. on the other hand, i went to a party at the place where aNImAL 13 lives, in the warehouse lofts. the downside is that it was oglethorpe sponsored, and the guy that ran it, Rohn (im guessing this is the way he spells his name) is an asshole. he assumes that because im standing near a person who is working there, that i can help him get his agenda done. fuck him, i stole beer and pizza from them and i didnt donate, cos fuck 'em. that guy was a serious douche bag. if their agenda is feeding america, then what the fuck do they need money for? and why the fuck are they giving pizzas to people who dont need to be fed, charging them three dollars a slice, when they could be feeding people with the money used to raise money? i wouldnt doubt that the money spent on pizza was recouped before any money went to the charity. i know this sounds cynical, but fuck, it just pissed me off that he assumed i wasnt there to get fucked up and party, or at least listen to some music. if i wanted to help him get shit done, then i would be part of the organisation or i would spend my free time in soup kitchens or other community friendly operations. really, i could care less, honestly. its good that those organisations exist, but i have better things to do with my time, like masturbatin'. anyway, enough bitching. well, im sure i'll bitch at some point, but...
i hope to be getting rid of my secret a some point as well.
z out

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Perfect Place

lydia told me about and i just checked it and it is beautiful. there are so many people with thoughts and feelings that they feel they cant speak. its really a beautiful piece of community artwork. i think this is all for today. i think at some point in the next couple of weeks, i am actually going to speak out and get rid of my secret. hopefully...
z out

Stuff I Need From Geeze

jethro tull
decemberists-ger majesty the decemberists, the tain 1-5
disturbed-10000 fists
eminem-slim shady lp, marshall mathers lp, eminem show
marilyn manson-all except for lest we forget, matrix soundtrack
apc-13th step
thank you
z out

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


so i was actually going to go to sleep last night, but the fire alarm went off at maybe 2.00. i then spent until 6.30 trying to get to sleep, when my alarm clock went off at 7.00. then after class i slept through japanese lit, waking up at maybe 1.00, being confused, surfing the internets and then shuffling to psych at 2.00. it may be the insomnia or whatever, but im really starting to question my place in life. it also may just be the stress of midterms, my need to pass core or a combination of everything else going on. i did have a really good long talk with laura, which always seems to help, whether or not im sober apparently (this in reference to last semester). ie talked to stu and ben and geeze, but i just seem to be questioning my place in life; my goals, my dreams, my desires or whatever you want to call them, and i find myself coming up lacking in answers to a lot of what i have been turning over in my head. i have been spending more time than usual playing my electric kit and, as much as i complain to ben, i love being able to play music again for this play at oglethorpe. i think last year when i was just kinda fucking around with final cut again, i kind of set myself at ease. that was the one good thing about high school; i always had a place to play music with jazz band and the combo i was in, and i always had a place to do the whole media manipulation thing with photo express thing and final cut on the macs at school. maybe next semester i should take a photo class, or an art class at leats, but in my major/minor, these classes are useless to me and just mean that i spend an extra amount of time and money here in school. dont get me wrong, i love the social life and general feeling of being in school, but id rather not waste anymore of my parents time and money on school while i could be making a living doing something. anyway, off to play practice for me. hope everyone else figures out their problems. anyone who reads this will probably know me, so if anyone wants to talk im here. my problems or yours?
z out

Monday, November 07, 2005

"Did You Sleep Well Last Night?"

my mom posed me this question when i was talking to her earlier this morning. what was my answer? yes. why do i lie to my mother so easily? more frighteningly, why do i find it so easy to lie to my mom? shoeless proposed, rather freudianly, that your relationship with your mother is the basis of all your future relationships. its what you base your relationships on when you date someone, when you make friends, etc, etc. does this mean that i will lie to any partner in a relationship with me, sexual, social or otherwise? does this also mean that my brother, who never lies to our mom, will be the honest one in his relationships, the one that i would like to be in a relationship? does this mean that i am doomed to a series of relationships in which i am the liar/cheater/dishonest one? i hope not. honestly, i think freud can go fuck his own mother if he wants. i think freud is full of bullshit, but the arguement shoeless brings up is valid; i do have a tendency to lie, very easily, very offhandedly. it really isnt something that im bragging about, it just happens if i feel uncomfortable in a certain situation: i lie. i mean, why couldnt i have just told my mom, no i didnt sleep well, because i am having more and more bouts of insomnia? did i really just not want her to worry? that might be part of it, but i dont think that it is my one motivation in lying to her. i hated myself once i said it as well, but i just kept that same facade that goes up when i am talking to anyone in my family and also to my closest friends: i am fine, i dont need any help, i am perfectly okay. its sick that i feel i cant even tell the truth to my family, but even sicker, i feel i cant tell the truth to friends, no matter their closeness. its not even a matter of truth anymore, its a matter of being able to state what i am feeling at any given time and not having to hide the way i feel; i act out, somewhat obnoxiously, when i am with people i am not comfortable with; its all just a face that i can put on and have people think of me one way, while really i am a different way. but shoeless is right i guess: society is built upon lies. everyone acts differently with other people than they do when they are alone. im gonna go peruse the dvd list, get ready for anime club, get some alkeymahol, and then watch some anime. should be fun...
z out

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Something I Stole From Britty, Because I'm Too Drained To Make An Actual Post...

man i should name indy songs with this title...

Two Names You Go By That Aren't Your Name: 1. Ooki-san 2. "Hey, You!"

Two Parts of Your Heritage: 1. Japanese 2. Irish

Two Things That Scare You: 1. Voicing My Feelings in General 2. The Future

Two of Your Everyday Essentials : 1. Drums 2. Catching Up On Webcomics

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: 1. Boxers 2. Glasses

Two of Your Favourite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment): 1. Led Zeppelin 2. Queens of The Stone Age
Two of Your Favourite Songs - at the moment: 1. Someone's In The Wolf-QoTSA 2. Anything From Picaresque-Decemberists

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love): 1. Emotional Openess 2. Honesty
Two Truths about you: 1. I Don't Really Express My Feelings, But Instead Just Obsess Over Things I Tumble Around In My Head 2. I Like Being The Keeper of Secrets...

Two things you are attracted to (physically): 1. Legs 2. Facial Bone Structures

Two of Your Favourite Hobbies : 1. Music 2. Drinking

Two Things You Want Really Badly: 1. Let All My Secrets Go! 2. A Shower...?

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation: 1. Europe (In General) 2. Japan

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die: 1. Get Some Tatoos 2. Pay Respects At A Grave

Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy: 1. I Like To Drink 2. I Dont Like Talking About My Feelings Very Much

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now: 1. One's a Secret 2. So's The Other

Two Stores You Shop At: 1. Guitar Center 2. Kroger

man i need to quit stealing brittys posts and make up an actual post of my own. its hard when you have thoughts swimming in your head (right laura?) and you are operating on 6-8 hours sleep over a period of two days. man boozing helps my problems, but laura told me i shouldnt and she's right...drinking helps no situation...but its so goooood.....
z out

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The More You Know...

1. Name as it appears on birth certificate?
zachary reed parris

2. Where did you go to elementary school?
pine street and westview

3. Piercings?

4. What was your first car?
1987 bmw 325is; man that car was fast...

5. Place of birth?
spartanburg, south carolina

6. Favorite food?
either shepherd's pie or hamburger helper. or sushi...o-sushi daisukidesu!

7. Have you ever been to Africa?
yes, morocco, and im never going back!

8. Ever been toilet papering?
no...forking yes...

9. Love someone so much it made you cry?

10. Been in a car accident?

11. Croutons or bacon bits?

12. Favorite day of the week?

13. Favorite restaurant?
mmm...dont really have one...

14. Favorite Flower?
maybe a black rose or a lotus

15. Favorite sport to watch?
sumo wrestling

16. Favorite drink?
alcoholic- rum, non-alcoholic-cheerwine or cream soda

17. Favorite ice cream?
chocolate chip cookie dough

18. Disney or Warner Bros.? that wrong? i prefer studio ghibli to either of those...

19. Favorite fast food restaurant?
taco bell

20. What color is your bedroom carpet?

21. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

22. What kind of car do you have now?
1996-8 bmw 318ti with m enhancement

23. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
dont have a credit card, sooo....

24. What do you do most often when you are bored?
MASTURBATE!!, probably listen to or make music...

25. What time is bedtime?
i have insomnia, so bedtime is whenever i fall asleep...

26. Favorite TV shows?
dont watch tv

27. Last person you went to dinner with?
tareq and geeze

31. Ford or Chevy?
neither...fuck american cars...they are teh shitz00rs

32. What are you listening to right now?
led zeppelin-heartbreaker-how the west was won...on iTunes, im listening to the shuffle list

33. What is your favorite color?
black and red if its clothes or hair...if its things, then green like the green of mine guitar...tis awesome...

34. Lake, ocean or river?
river...then i could travel and not have to work very hard at it...

35. How many tattoos do you have?
none, but i want some...

36. Have you ever run out of gas?

37. Where do you wish you were right now?
mmm...japan, europe, greece...really anywhere but here in america. if it has to be america, then new york, but if its in general then japan...

z out


i have nothing to talk about, but i still wanna post. after i practice drums for the THESMAPHORIA play, im gonna grab some dinner with tareq and geeze. should be uber-fun.
z out

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Chaos Is Spreading

i am getting sick and i hate it. im gonna havta start sleeping with my window closed, as much as i hate it, bcos everyday for maybe the past week, i have been getting up and my throat gets more and more sore. mmm bird flu. i keep thinking that maybe whiskey will help kill whatever infection there is in my throat, but i doubt it. in fact, if i remember high school biology correctly, alkeyhol actually weakens the immune system, but cie la vie; i love my alkeyhol. i also have decided to stop this stupid ass vow to drink less. according to leah, a high percentage of college students actually have the symptoms of alcoholics, but then after college, those symptoms drop. so i feel i have nothing to worry about. HIM happens tomorrow night, so yah for love-metal and goth music. nothing more here except i feel like shit, same old same old whining shit that i ll save for when it is really important; this is just me feeling sick, not an actual emotional shittiness...or so methinks...
z out