so i was actually going to go to sleep last night, but the fire alarm went off at maybe 2.00. i then spent until 6.30 trying to get to sleep, when my alarm clock went off at 7.00. then after class i slept through japanese lit, waking up at maybe 1.00, being confused, surfing the internets and then shuffling to psych at 2.00. it may be the insomnia or whatever, but im really starting to question my place in life. it also may just be the stress of midterms, my need to pass core or a combination of everything else going on. i did have a really good long talk with laura, which always seems to help, whether or not im sober apparently (this in reference to last semester). ie talked to stu and ben and geeze, but i just seem to be questioning my place in life; my goals, my dreams, my desires or whatever you want to call them, and i find myself coming up lacking in answers to a lot of what i have been turning over in my head. i have been spending more time than usual playing my electric kit and, as much as i complain to ben, i love being able to play music again for this play at oglethorpe. i think last year when i was just kinda fucking around with final cut again, i kind of set myself at ease. that was the one good thing about high school; i always had a place to play music with jazz band and the combo i was in, and i always had a place to do the whole media manipulation thing with photo express thing and final cut on the macs at school. maybe next semester i should take a photo class, or an art class at leats, but in my major/minor, these classes are useless to me and just mean that i spend an extra amount of time and money here in school. dont get me wrong, i love the social life and general feeling of being in school, but id rather not waste anymore of my parents time and money on school while i could be making a living doing something. anyway, off to play practice for me. hope everyone else figures out their problems. anyone who reads this will probably know me, so if anyone wants to talk im here. my problems or yours?
z out
z out
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