Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My Own Favorite Brand

so, in florida, i hate the drivers. brights cause migraines.

also the squirrels are fucking crazy. they arent scared of people. i almost stepped on one, and then it scampered a foot or so away and then chittered angrily at me. wtf?! im not used to almost stepping on something that normally runs away, then being yelled at by it. so i stomped in its general direction to make it run off and carried on about my own merry way.

z out

Monday, December 18, 2006

Pink/ It's my Fayvorit Colla/Pink/ I Wanna Wrap You In Rubba

so i realise why i felt like myself today...
for the past week i have been wearing khaki corduroy pants with a light blue shirt. today i feel like myself cos im wearing slightly tight dark jeans, black pacman shirt, chocolate corduroy blazer. bright colors are fun, but i prefer my darker jeans and black shirts to light colored clothing. okay im done being a fashionisto.

ps this is what a section of the alphabet would look like without q or r. think about it...

z out

Friday, December 15, 2006

...Like The Devil Wants To Fuck Me In The Back of His Car...

i did it...i joined the millions of faceless lj users. sunnuvabitch...

also ten points to who can guess, without using google or a search, what song this comes from...

the link to the lj acct is under "one of them" in the sidebar...

"them" is my friends page for that...

z out

Awesome Movie...


z out

Thursday, December 14, 2006


i have that exam bright and early tomorrow at eight. i hope i do well...

i need all the luck i can get...

i like talking on the phone. well actually i hate it, but sometimes its pretty good and makes me feel better...

i need all the "feeling better" i can get too...

z out

Q & A with QofSA

the second one is my favorite i think...actually read what the translations of what he is saying are. you may have to freeze frame, but the translation of "helped" is hilarious...

z out

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

QoTSA-It's My Fucking Stage!

i would totally do this if it happened to me...

z out

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

...It Brings On Many Changes

...maybe that girl is right...

...maybe i am a waste of life; cant really do anything well, cant do anything right, always seem to fuck up things...

i hate having thoughts like this...takes me back to like eighth grade, ninth grade, when i did bad shit to myself, then started drinking. ive been drinking since i was fifteen. it always helps for a while, but then when i go away from it for any period of time, i generally feel like this, depressed, angry with myself. being sober makes me have to look in the mirror and accept who i am, who i have become. very little has changed, but, then the things that have changed have impacted my life, given me a purpose, and made me feel better about myself.

i just need a break, im feeling burnt out. like a piece of toast. with butter. spread o thin and a little crispy, a little flaky.

z out

Fuckitall From GloboCorp; the drug that makes you not care by the people who care the least...

i dont care about a lot of things right now. maybe two or three things spring to my mind that i actually care about. finals are not one of them. fuck it all.

also i need to find a job or at least somethng productive to be doing with my time: video stuff for erika, band stuff with peoples, anything. also a job would mean money. although ou should, by the 25th give me a check for 3500 dolares. they cannot keep a federally dispersed check longer than two weeks, no matter how much they wanna use it for other things. that should keep me set until at least summer.

i hate certain people, in that, if they were on fire, i probably would not piss on them to put them out. i dont wish ill upon them, but if ill things happened to them i would not be unhappy. small rather annoying girls are one of them. why should it be okay for her to tell me im a waste of human life, but when i call her a stupid twat/twit, all of a sudden im the bad guy? also, if your girlfriend starts saying shit that is offensive to someone and then that someone spits something back that is mean, possibly cruel or otherwise offensive, why should you butt in? especially if what was said is not physically threatening to her, just attacks her intelligence, character, and general upbringing? i mean, one is more damaging and insulting than the other, but if she starts shit, maybe she should finish shit...especially when she is the one making ad hominem attacks when someone makes an observation or states an opinion. fuck those bitches. actually i have decided that a lot of ou is starting to bite the big one. maybe its just me being ready to leave, but lots of people on the faculty, exfaculty, current students, alumni that still hang around, piss me off and i would be better off not dealing with them in my life. case closed. i hate people. surprise!

now for sleep. maybe in the morning ill fix meself some cottage cheese and pineapples, go for a stroll around the complex and start the bullshitting anew for the new semester of finals.

z out

Band Idea

singer/guitar player
singer/bass player
2 drummers
vibraphone + steel drum player

fucking awesome

z out

Sunday, December 10, 2006


after trying to write something three different time im gonna say fuck it and just post lyrics to songs that seem to be stuck in my head

beatles - something
muse - knights of cydonia
foo fighters - everlong

i need a hug. also a long talk that i never got to have...

z out

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wither, Blister, Burn, and Peel

have you ever had your hands crack from such a rapid weather change while walking from the car to the dorm?

yeah its that bad.

also, its fucking 29 degrees F outside! damn, thats cold...

z out

Rusted Guns of Milan

arguably, next to Modern Art, the best song by art brut.

also, you guys should check out greg fox's carmen, of the spheres. in a rough explanation, he has taken the lesser perfect system of greek music theory (halving a tone and creating another) but taken the MHz that a planet would make in rotation, and he keeps halving it until it makes a sound. i like the idea, but the sound, because its justan electronic pitch, sounds like a beep that climbs in octaves. cool idea, but you wouldnt wanna listen to it on your car stereo.

also i have the following stuck in my head:

art brut: rusted guns of milan
qotsa: gonna leave you
yyy: gold lion
strokes: juicebox
foofighters: everlong

z out

Sunday, December 03, 2006


stu, talking to taryn while watching a movie with me:
yeah im just watching a movie with zack...magnolia...yeah its good, except...its taken a turn for the kinda weird...frogs that cant be explained...

im sad. time to bury my face in books...

z out