Burn, Baby, Burn!
im getting this burned out feeling, even with the light course load that i have. i am finding myself less and less concerned with school, focusing more and more on the play practices, where i play drums, and then just chilling with people. i guess maybe im just not interested in anything that im taking this semester, with the exception of psychology. geeze says that i should just bite the bullet and dcelare myself a psychology major, but i dont like biology, and i like even less the idea of waking up at all hours of the mornings to go to class; also, four hour labs would suck. seriously. on the other hand, i went to a party at the place where aNImAL 13 lives, in the warehouse lofts. the downside is that it was oglethorpe sponsored, and the guy that ran it, Rohn (im guessing this is the way he spells his name) is an asshole. he assumes that because im standing near a person who is working there, that i can help him get his agenda done. fuck him, i stole beer and pizza from them and i didnt donate, cos fuck 'em. that guy was a serious douche bag. if their agenda is feeding america, then what the fuck do they need money for? and why the fuck are they giving pizzas to people who dont need to be fed, charging them three dollars a slice, when they could be feeding people with the money used to raise money? i wouldnt doubt that the money spent on pizza was recouped before any money went to the charity. i know this sounds cynical, but fuck, it just pissed me off that he assumed i wasnt there to get fucked up and party, or at least listen to some music. if i wanted to help him get shit done, then i would be part of the organisation or i would spend my free time in soup kitchens or other community friendly operations. really, i could care less, honestly. its good that those organisations exist, but i have better things to do with my time, like masturbatin'. anyway, enough bitching. well, im sure i'll bitch at some point, but...
i hope to be getting rid of my secret a some point as well.
z out
i hope to be getting rid of my secret a some point as well.
z out
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