Thursday, September 29, 2005


so far ive got geeze for everything save for HIM, brittany maybe for HIM, ben for buckethead and maybe CKY? im surprised more people arent ready for the GWAR bandwagon. i mean who isnt into having a three foot penis spray whitish sticky fluid into the crowd? really im surprised theyre playing in atlanta, cos i thought that they couldnt play georgia because in athens they whipped out the three foot penis and they got banned from playing georgia ever again, but whatever. basically, for people who might be interested, GWAR is a band that started in the eighties who are supposed to be space aliens that crashed into earth and started a metal band. the songs are full of hardcore violence, dnd references, and sex. they are awesome on a stick. anyway, i was just planning on going to the box office for the tickets, cos fuck ticketmaster. they charged me like nine dollars a ticket for "service charges" for nin. yeah ill say i got "serviced". anyway, ill tell people before i go sos they can give me moneys and/or ride along. or they can give me moneys before they spend it and ill just get tickets close to immediately...
alright. im glad the summer concert season is not over till makes me t3h h4ppy.
z out

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


ive gotten past the initial jabs of what i was feeling, putting me in a relative "who gives a fuck" mood that could be called despondance or maybe the "doldrums". im still not eating or sleeping as i should, but i ll get over it. im just getting tired of shit going down despite things i try, and still getting burned in the meantime, but whatever. stu, i think maybe youre right, as far as the conversation we had, ive been feeling generally that same type of "what does it all mean" type bullshit that normally only philosophy students go through. maybe more people need those fucking antidepressants or whatever. im not saying i need antidepressants, but this doldrums bullshit needs to stop. this blog is quickly becoming more and more emo, but i think thats what the blogs are set up for: to be a faceless set of emotions that we cant be in real life. i mean, there are two maybe three people i would talk this way to in person, but on the internet, i can be whoever i want and change that based on where i am (by the way, anyone that likes built motherfuckers with blonde hair and blues eyes should contact me immediately. also 12" cocks, cos its all me...).
i mean last night, geeze cheered me up, taking my mind off things, asking questions when necessary, but not pushing at all to make me talk, and thats what i needed i think. also watching a movie, and making concert plans. by the way, lord of war is a kickass movie, despite constantly hitting you over the head with how horrible gunrunning is. im not sure if they grasped the fact that its hard to tell someone that gunrunning is bad, when the gunrunner marries a supermodel, lives in a twenty-five million dollar manhattan apartment with a view of centrel park, gets pure uncut unstepped on peruvian blow (six kilos of it) and randomly fucks hot women. yes he does become a more reprehensible character, but...he talks his way out of it and basically does whatever the fuck he wants.
also i have two tickets to see nine inch nails. how fucking awesome-o is that? awesome.
ohe yeah...are the dates and times and other shit if anyone wants to go to any of these concerts.
1. sat 10/15 Masquerade GWAR 7.00pm $17.50
2. sat 10/22 Variety Playhouse Buckethead 9.00pm $15.00
3. thu 10/27 Philips Arena NIN 7.30pm $40-45
4. wed 11/02 Masquerade HIM 8.00pm $23
5. fri 11/04 Masquerade CKY 7.00pm $15.00
anyone wanna go to see HIM with me? geeze doesnt wanna go cos hes scared of goths. i think theres nothing wrong with goth-rock, and it could be fun. besides if anyone fucks with you, then you can just whip out a mag-lite it on, cos they burn easily! hahaha. no i really like goth things, i just dont have the constant attitude necessary to carry it out. i flit around emotionally and just have random bouts of whatever. anyway, we can like carpool or take marta or whatever. besides i really like HIM because sometimes i really feel what the lyrics are, not that im suicidal, but it would be cool to see what a razorblade kiss is like. its up there on my list of wierd sexual things to do with being tied up. but whatever.
im running out of good things to talk about. im trying to make up for the seriousness of the last post, at least to me, and not focus on fucked up stuff. also, i cant fucking wait to see serenity, or as i envision it, jane fucking shit up with a vera and killing mal. also jane going back to jane's town, cos its awesome. well thats it i guess...
z out

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ben Corrected Me

the last time i actually have drunken anything, was not with geeze and ben, but when i wrote neverending line of philosophical bullshit. yeah i didnt know i wrote that while drunk until ben said something about the post. corrections.
z out


i feel sick to my stomach. last night was probably the worst night ever, and its all for reasons that i cant say. i spent the better part of last night tossing and turning and thinking about what i want to do about situations that im in. man, i thought i had taken a burden off this weekend, but right now it just feels like ive got a pile of rocks on my fucking chest. i cant think straight. on top of this i have papers to write, exams to study for, and a presentation to pull outta my ass alongside ben. it makes me want to just give the fuck up, talk to everyone involved, and have everything be done. once everything was out in the open, then maybe i could finally see what reactions/explosions might occur. i think why i havent done any of this yet, is a) im a fucking pussy, and b) i cannot hope to control the outcome of the situations and even if i could, im not so sure i would want to, because what does it matter if everything happens the way it should but its not a real outcome, just something to make me happy? i know im being confusing, mainly because i feel so fucking confused. i have made a vow to not touch the rum in freezer while this works itself out, because really thats the best i can hope for. i do not want to become an alcoholic and i fear thats what will happen if i drink to settle my problems, but this is getting out of control. the situation, not the drinking. i actually havent drunken anything since ben geeze and i watched dr who. the fucked up part about all of this, is that i cannot talk to anyone, because doing so would make everything spiral out of control even further and then everything will pretty much end, despite the length of time involved in everyone. maybe i can talk to sarah, because really shes the closest thing to a big sister i have; i think she also honestly cares for me and will go out of her way to help me in a situation. i will go over there before the week is out, because this is further and further becoming something that i cant deal with alone.
z out

Monday, September 26, 2005


Freudian Inventory Results
Oral (60%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.
Anal (46%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.
Phallic (46%) you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure.
Latency (63%) you appear to be afraid or averse to present or future real world responsibilities, this will only make your inevitable transition more difficult, so learn to deal with the real world.
Genital (66%) you appear to have a progressive and openminded outlook on life unbeholden to regressive forces like traditional authority and convention.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
personality tests by


i am finally done with recording! i have to say that, while recording is probably the most fun thing i have ever done, and is also something i wouldnt mind doing for a living, it is also the most tiring and exhausting thing i have ever done. i played drums for 8 hours yesterday, and my arms and legs are more sore now than they have ever been. if i did this eight hours a day everyday, then i think i would be the most built motherfucker around. i mean, yesterday i had a sandwich at lunch and some dinner, but i also went through an entire six pack of water by myself in an eight hour period. none of this made me have to take a piss, by the way, cos it was replenishing the amount of sweat that was being expelled while recording. but it is the best experience ever, while recording, because you feel awesome and like a total professional. i think that because it had to be done yesterday, is why i am so exhausted, because the other times i have recorded, everything took much less time and we didnt have to be so perfect and sound so clean. i will say recording is much more fun than performing, for me, because i get very self-conscious when i play in front of people, regardless of what i am doing, which makes me act like an asshole, because i make up for self-consciousness by acting out even further, playing louder, but playing less. in a recording situation i am calm and collected and am able to, somewhat, control the volume of my playing, and even think about what i am doing as i play. already i cant wait for summer to roll around for me to get my band back together and fuck around creating an album of our own in the studio. this means we can do whatever the fuck we want, not play other people's songs. mmmm cant wait....
z out

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Neverending Line of Philosophical Bullshit

i fucking hate aristotle. greatest western thinking mind of blah blah blah, shut the fuck up. its boring to read aristotle talk about the way society aims at a higher good, because they do not. society manages to work because we have all been taught and conditioned to be, for the most part, good citizens, who go about their daily lives thinking about what they want to eat for dinner, who they are going to go home and masturbate to, how they wish they were richer or skinnier or better looking, and its bullshit to assume otherwise. i mean maybe, yes, the majority of people are considerate and nice and friendly, but deep down, everyone really is thinking about themselves, and furthering their bloodlines off into the future. its why parents fight tooth and nail for their own children, and fuck any other person that gets in their way, cause its all about number one and the smaller number twos that follow.
yes, nature programs all of this into every creature, but at some point, the animals will push their offspring away, making them fend for themselves. if they dont leave, then they are taking up room for more offspring, which means another way for an individuals dna to be spread further down a line, but not in humans. in humans, children live with their parents for as long as they can; there is not a point when a parent will kill its child to make it leave, in most cases.
part of the problem, is that people who are having children and populating the earth with little tiny versions of themselves, should not be fucking. the stupid people will take over if the smart people dont wisen the fuck up and have a few kids. the human dna line will be polluted with motherfuckers that have their way with animals and inanimate objects rather than the people who can sit down and have a friendly bull session with you on the philosophy of morality, or speak with about the different ways you can interpret what a particular author is trying to say with their works.
THE STUPID PEOPLE WILL WIN BY ATTRITION! they will repopulate and repopulate and repopulate, until the human race is nothing but a bunch of donkey fucking morons, with maybe a few people with some intelligence locked up in asylums, all because they were "crazy" or misunderstood.
the stupid people will win and whose fault will it be? the smart people for not fucking like mad and changing the human dna structure. when there is a decision like:a) i could have children and raise them in a way to change what will happen over the course of the next twenty five years, and b) i could keep my genetics to myself and insure that the human race is reduced to gibberish and drool, these people choose b.
really in this situation, who is smart and who is stupid?
fuck. it all makes me wanna destroy some shit...

z out

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Those That Can, Do; Those That Cannot, Write About It...

i came about this line of thought in japanese lit when we were discussing the talents of Lady Murasaki, and i think it makes some amount of sense. think about it: if all you did day in and day out was write, i imagine that you would be a pretty fucking good author. but this can be applied to other things. would you be that good at say playing music if all you did was write about playing music? no, you wouldnt; hence the existence of music journalists. hence the existence of any type of writer out there that writes on some subject of interest. especially, however, in fiction, as no matter how realistic something is, there is still that element of a writer's imagination in there somewhere. it seems that in Z-WORLD, the rules work just like the burning wheel: if you do something enough, you get better at it.
by the way, no matter if this makes sense or not, it is still bullshit as i have nothing else to write about.
oh yes. the season of motherfucker is in the air, and i have a date with a rocket launcher. yes the end that does the firing as opposed to the end that recieves the fire, so fuck you ben. i nipped that joke in the bud. like i nipped your mother in the bud. yes both ends covered. both ends of your mom...
you get the jist.
you get the list.
you get the jizz.
i cant wait until this week and the weekend are over. finally i will have a huge ass burden plucked from mine shoulders. everything will be done, and everything will be ready.
oh by the way, mars volta are awesome. some may say no youre full of shit, but musically the rhythm section is on, and i dont know why the band would hire a rhythm section that is better than the guitar and lyricist but whatever, i guess their perogative is getting a kick ass rhythm section. the drummer is fucking bad ass. so bad ass, that my list of awesome drummers has changed.
1. John Bonham
2. Paul Riddle
3. Jon Theodore
4. Danny Carrey
5. Terry Bozzio
they are all awesome. also, goodies for everyone who can tell me which respective band the drummers play for. post in comments.
z out

Monday, September 19, 2005


its talk like a pirate day! although i was on the road for most of it, i did enjoy what little i partook in (yes i invented a word; fuck you). by the way, just because youre a freshman and know a little about the geekiness on the internet, dont assume that you and another person wearing a pirate shirt are the only two who know of pirate day. i mean fuck, if its on the internet, then chances are someone else at a school at least the size of oglethorpe is going to know what ITLAPD is. especially if they are in an anime club meeting. also anime club met (hooray!) and i have sushi. large amounts of said sushi. away from my person, meaning i will munch on it tomorrow while gaming (hooray!). anime, pirates, sushi, gaming, and on top of it all im skipping the most boring class ever tomorrow. what else could happen thats awesome? i dont fucking know, but it could probably just kill me if it happened. also, after con season, the season of "motherfucker" shall enter into its full stages; thats right bitches: HALO! it will be coming. it will be coming soon. then we shall all be coming. yeess.
on a side note, i cant wait until school is broken up for winter. i hate this fucking schedule. maybe its just a level of stress or whatever, cos i hate this fucking thing.
on another side note, when i stepped out of brittany and laura's tonight, there was something that made me shiver. yes, winter is in hot pursuit, meaning i can stop wearing fucking shorts. i love my jeans, i love black, guess what color jeans like to wear that HOTlanta keeps me from wearing. it fucking sucks. i dont like showing off my legs. it fucking pisses me off, and i hate it.
on another side note: fuck.
(wasnt that cool?)

z out

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Don't Fuck With The JJ

so i was walking through kroger at maybe twelve or so and i said to myself, maybe i need more juice to drink as i am running out aka already out. so i look to the juice department and i find a lost relic of my childhood: Juicy Juice! i havent had JJ since i was in like seventh grade. i bought strawberry banana, and watermelon. when i last had it, there was only apple and peach flavors. so i sat down (when i got home) and poured myself a big glass of watermelon JJ was pretty horrible cos i forgot: i hate watermelons! why did i buy watermelon JJ? fuck if i know. all i know is that i have again found JJ.
by the way, not to be an asshole, cos i hate to be an asshole and stuff, i hate fucking reggae. maybe my roomate should turn it the fuck down; he's "studying" aka "getting lit the fuck up" cos i dont know anyone that studies to reggae, and meanwhile my clock says its like 1.30. fuck. i shut my door when he's trying to go to sleep as well as turn my music or whatever down, and i dont fucking practice my drums after 8.00 pm or before 1.00 pm. fuck. also, someone in my room poured or had a friend pour water in my clothes sometime last week; i assume as a joke, but i didnt notice until like when i was washing them at home, meaning a few shirts and a pair of shorts had started to sour. fuck. thats just fucking great. i just bust some motherfucking computer monitors, but unless i bust my own, its kinda obvious who it was. fuck.
alls i know is that i need some sweet sweet motherfucking revenge. yehhesss. revenge. like a crowbar to the back o' the head, rpg style. also i need to drink more. brittany? ben? someone? send me po box (heh) is box 352 at 3000 woodrow way atlanta ga, 30319. yes send me rum or whiskey. shitty ass vodka is for suckers and rich people, two mutually exclusive states.
also: fuck.

(cos who doesnt need another fuck?)
z out

Monday, September 12, 2005

Mind of Mencia

so i was watching some tv while i was home this weekend, and i finally saw a marathon of what has happened in a show called mind of mencia, run by by carlos mencia, the comedian. in my opinion it was sort of funny, occassionally, but for the most part bored me. he apologizes before each show, as far as i saw, for "offending" the audience, and personally i was never offended. granted i have a much higher tolerance for offensive comments, but seriously: it would take a white adolescent male to be offended at this show. none of it was really funny, either; mainly he made fun of white people and "beaners", as he puts it. come on. this show is basically a hispanic version of what tries to be a replacement for chappelle's show. where MoM makes fun of two ethnic groups, CS makes fun of everything around you, mainly racially, but it still brings everyone down to the same level: whites blacks hispanic asian east indian....
do yourself a favor and dont watch mind of mencia. not because it will offend, but because it is a huge waste of time. do yourself a favor and put on your on home version of mind of mencia: make an obvious comment in a stupid white guy voice, insert random racial joke against mexicans, repeat joke only this time call the mexican a "beaner", and make fun of retarded people by going "duhn-duh-duh" at something that someone else does. there, ive saved you thirty minutes. go kill some babies, or something else that bush might find offensive (study evolution?)
z out

Friday, September 09, 2005

Does Size Matter? Is This Long Enough?

so i was just sitting here and trying to figure out the links part and ive done that now thanks to shoeless. i dont know what it is, but i just feel like im already at the point where school is no longer fun and im ready to be done with everything and just chill. it doesnt help that my insomnia has seemed to kick back in and i have been just lying in bed awake, staring at the ceiling. while waiting for sleep to take me, it occured that part of the reason im tired so much is the fact that i have 8.30 core class, which doesnt really help me obtain the amount of sleep that i would like. im trying to find interesting things to talk about in this blog, as about 90-95 percent of blogs seem to be poor "woe-is-me" crap, but nothing is actually happening that is interesting in my life, so all your little entertainments are kind of held at a standstill. i hate to be uninteresting, since im kind of thrusting myself onto your lives via the interweb, but not much is going on. shoeless and i are planning to be at the decemberists concert, whenever that is. thats future cool, though, not now cool. umm...shoeless helped me figure out the links and he was even nice enough to link to my homepage without me asking him to. thanks ben. what else...sarah is now officially my big sister in that she puts up with large amounts of my shit and just smiles and nods, while helping me out of situations like finding where my car is actually supposed to go for repairs. shes awesome, especially since gas is so expensive, and i hated making her turn around and go this way and that looking for a place that moved but didnt change their address in their website. thanks guys, for inconveniencing me just that much more. on the bright side, i got to hang out at the car place while they checked, meaning i got to look (but not play with) carreras, elise(s?), lamborghinis, and a couple of ferraris. awesome on a stick. it made me wish i had large amounts of money to spend on a frivolous car that goes super fast, like an elise. that is until sarah pointed out that i would never fit comfortably in a car that is in fact 40 inches off the ground and maybe as wide as i am tall. if that wide. but wouldnt it be cool?
z out

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


my car, has left me for dead apparently. it decided to stop working, making me ask for rides from people, which i hate to do because it presupposes that the person giving you the ride has nothing better to do than haul my fat ass around. i hope that the car will decide that it was just too hot to start and everything will be peachy, cos i have to go home this weekend. man i wish this shit would just stop. i am already ready for school to be out again. fuck. i cant deal with stupid goddamn shit anymore, it's just not fucking cool...i mean the car hasnt broken down before, but i have homework that i should be doing, rather than fucking with this car. this will not be cool, not cool at all....
z out

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ben's Tent

ben recently propositioned that he wanted to spend the night on the roof of the hyatt, where there is a rooftop restaurant, and actually pitch a tent and go camping on a hotel rooftop. i admit that when i first heard the idea i said "hey that sounds pretty cool..." but when i got to thinking about it, the question of what would happen if we were caught came to mind. my answer would be that the hotel would probably press charges if you were caught by their rent-a-cop staff, because one, you were not a guest of the hotel, therefore trespassing and two, you were endangering yourself by sleeping on a place that has no guardrails for the almost thirty floor drop. ben claims that he can escape the security by running and if he is caught, that he can merely claim that he did not know that he couldnt do that. if you were to break into someone's house, make it so it did not appear that you had broken in, then pitched a tent on their roof, im pretty sure that they would press charges, so i say that the hotel would do the same thing. it would be fun, and ben, you do know how i likes breaking me some laws, but the threat of jailtime kinda makes me wanna say the risk doesnt outweigh the reward. i would actually like to see what would happen, but i think that the factor of getting caught rules it out for me. well, maybe not...ben we must talk about this...
z out
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Monday, September 05, 2005

Busting My DragonCon Cherry...

dragoncon was awesome! it was probably the best time i have had yet after being back at school. werewolf game was awesome, nurses giving me shots of rum was awesome, prank calling as dickie, patrick, and rotarion was awesome (you know who you are!), and drum circles were awesome. i also learned that dragoncon at night, for the most part, was clothing optional if you were in the rave room, which was awesome on a stick, and that sleep deprivation makes you act as if you are either drunk or having a slight hangover. everything is fuzzy and you can watch the things that you are doing as you do them. telling little kids that slippers on your feet are the remains of dust bunnies is also hilarious, and the rpg opportunities there are amazing. i would have to say that i think saturday and saturday night were the best times though, cos friday everything is just starting and then sunday, everything is starting to wind down. however on saturday, the people are at full tilt, and everything is in full effect. i think that next year, if im able to go, i will chill and just play rpgs on friday and sunday, and then go to bed, and saturday i will just wander around. mmm now for sleep, sleep is good.
ps the decemberists are cool, dp3 is cool and moshing is just awesome on a stick.
z out

Thursday, September 01, 2005