Monday, September 26, 2005


i am finally done with recording! i have to say that, while recording is probably the most fun thing i have ever done, and is also something i wouldnt mind doing for a living, it is also the most tiring and exhausting thing i have ever done. i played drums for 8 hours yesterday, and my arms and legs are more sore now than they have ever been. if i did this eight hours a day everyday, then i think i would be the most built motherfucker around. i mean, yesterday i had a sandwich at lunch and some dinner, but i also went through an entire six pack of water by myself in an eight hour period. none of this made me have to take a piss, by the way, cos it was replenishing the amount of sweat that was being expelled while recording. but it is the best experience ever, while recording, because you feel awesome and like a total professional. i think that because it had to be done yesterday, is why i am so exhausted, because the other times i have recorded, everything took much less time and we didnt have to be so perfect and sound so clean. i will say recording is much more fun than performing, for me, because i get very self-conscious when i play in front of people, regardless of what i am doing, which makes me act like an asshole, because i make up for self-consciousness by acting out even further, playing louder, but playing less. in a recording situation i am calm and collected and am able to, somewhat, control the volume of my playing, and even think about what i am doing as i play. already i cant wait for summer to roll around for me to get my band back together and fuck around creating an album of our own in the studio. this means we can do whatever the fuck we want, not play other people's songs. mmmm cant wait....
z out


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