Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Those That Can, Do; Those That Cannot, Write About It...

i came about this line of thought in japanese lit when we were discussing the talents of Lady Murasaki, and i think it makes some amount of sense. think about it: if all you did day in and day out was write, i imagine that you would be a pretty fucking good author. but this can be applied to other things. would you be that good at say playing music if all you did was write about playing music? no, you wouldnt; hence the existence of music journalists. hence the existence of any type of writer out there that writes on some subject of interest. especially, however, in fiction, as no matter how realistic something is, there is still that element of a writer's imagination in there somewhere. it seems that in Z-WORLD, the rules work just like the burning wheel: if you do something enough, you get better at it.
by the way, no matter if this makes sense or not, it is still bullshit as i have nothing else to write about.
oh yes. the season of motherfucker is in the air, and i have a date with a rocket launcher. yes the end that does the firing as opposed to the end that recieves the fire, so fuck you ben. i nipped that joke in the bud. like i nipped your mother in the bud. yes both ends covered. both ends of your mom...
you get the jist.
you get the list.
you get the jizz.
i cant wait until this week and the weekend are over. finally i will have a huge ass burden plucked from mine shoulders. everything will be done, and everything will be ready.
oh by the way, mars volta are awesome. some may say no youre full of shit, but musically the rhythm section is on, and i dont know why the band would hire a rhythm section that is better than the guitar and lyricist but whatever, i guess their perogative is getting a kick ass rhythm section. the drummer is fucking bad ass. so bad ass, that my list of awesome drummers has changed.
1. John Bonham
2. Paul Riddle
3. Jon Theodore
4. Danny Carrey
5. Terry Bozzio
they are all awesome. also, goodies for everyone who can tell me which respective band the drummers play for. post in comments.
z out


Blogger Fifth said...

I'm pretty sure all those drummers "played" for your mom, if you know what I mean. Also, beating you is like fucking child's play, doesn't matter what controller I use. Sucker.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at 7:53:00 AM EDT  

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