Monday, September 05, 2005

Busting My DragonCon Cherry...

dragoncon was awesome! it was probably the best time i have had yet after being back at school. werewolf game was awesome, nurses giving me shots of rum was awesome, prank calling as dickie, patrick, and rotarion was awesome (you know who you are!), and drum circles were awesome. i also learned that dragoncon at night, for the most part, was clothing optional if you were in the rave room, which was awesome on a stick, and that sleep deprivation makes you act as if you are either drunk or having a slight hangover. everything is fuzzy and you can watch the things that you are doing as you do them. telling little kids that slippers on your feet are the remains of dust bunnies is also hilarious, and the rpg opportunities there are amazing. i would have to say that i think saturday and saturday night were the best times though, cos friday everything is just starting and then sunday, everything is starting to wind down. however on saturday, the people are at full tilt, and everything is in full effect. i think that next year, if im able to go, i will chill and just play rpgs on friday and sunday, and then go to bed, and saturday i will just wander around. mmm now for sleep, sleep is good.
ps the decemberists are cool, dp3 is cool and moshing is just awesome on a stick.
z out


Blogger Fifth said...

that's cool, I can pay you tommorow if you have change for a 20

Monday, September 5, 2005 at 9:11:00 PM EDT  

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