Tuesday, December 12, 2006

...It Brings On Many Changes

...maybe that girl is right...

...maybe i am a waste of life; cant really do anything well, cant do anything right, always seem to fuck up things...

i hate having thoughts like this...takes me back to like eighth grade, ninth grade, when i did bad shit to myself, then started drinking. ive been drinking since i was fifteen. it always helps for a while, but then when i go away from it for any period of time, i generally feel like this, depressed, angry with myself. being sober makes me have to look in the mirror and accept who i am, who i have become. very little has changed, but, then the things that have changed have impacted my life, given me a purpose, and made me feel better about myself.

i just need a break, im feeling burnt out. like a piece of toast. with butter. spread o thin and a little crispy, a little flaky.

z out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's it you get....-more hugs-.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at 8:25:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you know better than to start listening to stupid people.I'm burnt-out, tired of people, and less than peppy as well. We should hang out, destress, with movies and other bits of mind numbing fun. I've got a final tomorrow, but I'll be done around 1. Call if you need a break, some company, or somebody to gripe to.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at 9:47:00 PM EST  
Blogger Kitt said...

You aren't a waste and you know that. I know that.

I know you're in a slump right now. I wish I could be of more help... I hate that this paper is consuming me. You get a big hug on the 19th though, so we can at least look forward to that.

I love you. I know it's stupid to say "cheer up" because I know when I am down it sure sounds good, but it's not that easy. Still... be happy. :(

Peace and I'll call you later.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 5:13:00 PM EST  

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