Thursday, November 13, 2008

People From California Are Fucking Stupid

Suppose something that, say, allowed same-sex marriage was actually passed somewhere, you would think that when that same issue, having already been passed, would not be brought up again for a vote.

Some vile motherfuckers actually voted to have this issue, Prop (H)8 but on the ballot to remove same-sex marriage from the state of California, and by having this passed, the same proposition changed the wording of the constitution of California to define marriage as 'between a man and a woman'.

Fuck that shit.

If you want to get married, get married. By having the term changed from marriage to civil union, it is my belief that there is an implied message of 'you're not good enough to be married 'for real, for real'.

Being married, in the eyes of law, may work this way but you can say that you are married to someone without having a certificate. Taking away that word from the same-sex couples who do, in fact, commit themselves to one another, is wrong, and bullish, and belligerent. If marriage is so sacred, why are so many of the religious right found in stripclubs, with hookers, fucking little boys, or divorced?

Not that there is anything wrong with any of those things (except for fucking little boys) but when the arguement is made that marriage is 'a sacred union that is entered into before the eyes of God by a woman and a man', then where is the justice there? Are atheists not married? Are Muslims not married? (this brings up another question: whose God? My God is certainly not my neighbors God or anyone else'. The definition of God is different for everyone, which is another entirely different post right there...)

WTF is wrong with people. Queers wanna marry? Let 'em. If anyone is ready, willing and able to make a lifelong commitment to another person, then do the right thing and fucking well LET THEM!!

Sometimes I am ashamed of my countrymen and my fellow human beings. Fuck those clowns.

z out


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