Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mr Blue and Mr Green Ain't Got Shit On Me...

So after watching the remake of the Incredible Hulk, my opinions are:

1) Edward Norton is one of the best actors I've ever seen. He manages to play Bruce Banner like some sort of mix of Wandering Jew archetype and a junkie. How did he do his little method acting thing I wonder? Did he shoot up on steroids and beat the shit out of things?


2) Liv Tyler is the worst actor i think I have ever seen. Every line is that breathless, Lady Macbeth-style overacting that's completely bullshit, especially for someone that is supposedly of her caliber. It does wonders when your dad is Steven Tyler though, I guess. Seriously, when she's filming with Edward Norton and John Hurt, does she realise that she is as shitty as she is? Do they wince internally wheneve she reads her lines?

Anyway, i was pleasantly surprised at how good the movie was, Liv Tyler excluded. I hope that there is an Avengers movie coming out. Iron Man was good, this was good, the Spiderman movie (the first one at least) was good.

Right now I'm watching Easy Rider, one of my favorites, with the wife, who is dubious of its actual worth as a film. I MUST prove her wrong.

Also I'm reading Hells Angels by HST. I think that's why i wanted to watch this as well...

z out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey now! I never said I didn't like it... I just said I wasn't sure if I was in the mood to watch it. :P

I actually ended up liking it because it had an interesting message of how hate still permeated a society that was (in part) trying to inject itself with ideals of freedom, peace, and love.

Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 10:52:00 AM EDT  
Blogger OOKKI-SAN! said...

See why I like that movie so much now? Isn't it good?

Also, see why I was freaking the fuck out when I saw it with Tareq that one time?


Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 2:25:00 PM EDT  

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