Monday, August 07, 2006

Several Things

britty found diet double fudge chocolate soda a few days ago. maybe yesterday. some weird things about it:

- to a point, it gets fizzier and more carbonated the longer it sits in the open. in other words it tastes flat until you leave it be for a while then it gets fizzy. then it dies again.
- you cannot taste anything when drinking it. just that liquid feeling. you can smell the chocolate but anything else and youve better senses than i...

after watching britty shaky fist of doom at a driver today, also min own observances in a-town, it also be mine theory that florida drivers dont have to pass as rigorous a driving test when they get their license. also they hand people their license rather than making them fail a couple times first, just for plausible deniability when a sixteen year old wraps his car around a tree.

saw lady in the water. *shrug* wasnt the best...

also "falling in love (is so hard on the knees)" keeps playing in my head. i keep wanting to add "...and elbows" to the title...

steak and shake was eaten by me for the first time. twas excellent. could feel badness enter mine veins. i missed that feeling...of greasygrease in me...

also i was just compared to raoul duke...sugokufuckingawesome...

i intend to write more as well. ive set up a site to do it in. "Punchings of a Closed Fist"...or closed fist technique...i forget...its in my links page tho...

mmm sleep...

z out


Blogger Fifth said...

Who compared you to Raol Duke? I will fucking kill them.

I'm so much more fucked up than you right now!


Drink more. Unless you're chicken.

(Brittenany - watch this son-of-a-bitch.)

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 12:21:00 AM EDT  

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