Monday, January 02, 2006

Maybe I'm a Sucker For Blogspot, But...

i was perusing the livejournals of peopple in links pages of certain friends, and the people who have livejournal seem to be sucker bitches. all poetry and angst and philosophical bullshit. y'know what? it pisses me off. it doesnt make me think, and wonder and say "hey, that guy that does that, he sure is stupid". isnt that the point of a philosophical statement? to draw attention to something perplexing and analyze it and wonder what the ramifications of it are? really the postings make me wanna smack the stupid outta some wack-ass bitches.
maybe its me being stuck here, maybe its me being angrimified easily, and maybe its just the majority of livejournal users make me wanna break some shit. ben? up for some breaking of shit? also talking and walking...real trouble with certain things. also laura, we need to talk. also, brittany, we need ta hang more, if you catch my drift...i keep dreaming of lucille and bernice, for some strange reason. also i need head pettings...where oh where could these head pettings come from? where...
anyway, its raining, its 6 am, and i feel the urge to play music, but i dont have any silent instruments to play. i guess i'll check out GarageBand on my computer and see how it works...
z out


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