Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I Fucking Hate The Po-Lice

so i got a ticket tonite. stu was there he saw the thing. basically i have to come up with 160$ or go to court, contesting it. this means the judge throws the ticket out and the cop says, there was a passenger in the car and the roads were wet, meaning that i can be charged with not only going 20 over, but also with reckless driving and also reckless endangerment. i am slightly perplexed, because not only did he not give me a readout after i requested an accuracy check, but he also didnt not ask for either my registration or my proof of insurance. im hoping that the insurance wont show up, but i have a feeling that its all connected and the insurance will find out eventually. man i didnt need this shit on top of not having much money. fuck the police...
z out


Blogger Fifth said...

Yeah, like insurance to pay for the medical care you'll need once I send a robot to beat you up for not posting?

Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 5:45:00 PM EST  

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