Thursday, October 06, 2005


11/04 CKY me and geeze and ben. awesome...i didnt expect ben to like CKY, but thats awesome. they probly wont destroy shit like the decemberists, but 'twill be awesome anyways. oh yeah and one more thing. i fucking hate augustine. augustinian philosophies are one of the reason we have stupid fuckheads trying to change the way our government is run. here are the political qualifications of augustine.
1. a republic, successfully installed, is one that is established as a city of god, filled with kharitos (sp?), or charity
2. rome was not a republic because they did not know christ, therfore they were not setting anything up as a city of god because they did not know christ
3. therefore, only succesful cities are republics, which are set up as cities of godly origin, and anyone who existed before christ are heathen pagans and are damned. pretty much.
this is much condensed and whatnot but that is the gist of what was discussed as being an okay philosophy. how fucking southern baptist does this sound? what about jews? arent they god's people? oh wait, i remember what happened to jews, the christians drove them out of every fucking place they went because they a) killed jesus and b) didnt believe what they believed. great. so stupid fuckheads have existed all over. if i am wrong in my reading please email, cos i do wanna understand shit, but if anyone can read city of god and come up with a different reading, go for it. as far as i can tell, it says that anyone not knowing christ is incapable of, basically, being a good person, despite whatever is done outside of that minor detail. all this coming from a religion that has started more wars and killed more people than anything else (in the name of...and all that jazz). fuck. intolerant people can fuck themselves. yes i am intolerant but only of stupid people, and also intolerant people. fuck. i know its a different time period and whatever but...jesus christ...thats a little far is it not?
z out, ready for responses to come a-rollin'


Blogger Fifth said...

Were you drunk this time too?

Friday, October 7, 2005 at 3:04:00 PM EDT  

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