Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mmm...The Crazies Are Good...

i feel like i am going crazy, slowly. i forget things that happen and remember things that didnt...i guess its starting to look like a mental institution for me. also depression sucks...yeah...maybe its just a change in barometric pressure or something like that in the air. also, i think i am going to turn in the shittiest paper ever to steen, cos it sure isnt the best paper ive written...the thing that consoles me, though, is the sound of sweet sweet daiko drums that i burned from leah...yes...
also things suck on this end...how about you?!
man i should burn this blog...its turning more and more into one of those emo bullshit blogs where people do nothing but complain...but if all i am feeling is depressed, then i guess that shouldnt count against it...im just not the type of person to be happy all the time...or nonsensical and funny, like ben for instance...
z out


Blogger Fifth said...

Being awesome all the time has its disadvantages. For example, I have to live up to the expectations of my fan club. Like today, even if it isn't cold, I'll have to wear my jacket - just to keep those who have come to expect it happy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 8:41:00 AM EDT  

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