Sunday, October 02, 2005


i like ipods, yes, but there are people on campus that piss me right the fuck off. the people who cant seem to be five minutes outside of class without cell phone or ipod in their ear. i understand not wanting to talk to people sometimes or while waiting for class, but 24 hour a day? i mean really, when i am pissed off, i prefer to talk to people, because it gets my mind off of my own fucked up emotions. when i am riding in the car, i like music. but there are maybe 3 or 4 people who i am never able to spot without a cell phone in their ear or an ipod in their ear. basically, its saying "i dont want to talk to anyone, because no one is as interesting as me, because i have an ipod. if you dont have one, then fuck you."
these people, when i have had class with them, always seem to be the people that argue stupid points and seem to waste class time anyway. if you find one, without a form of media jammed in their head, ask them why they have to be such an asshole to the world around them.
ps this isnt a rant against being antisocial, because i myself am antisocial, but i am at least available to people who might want to start some kind of conversation. i mean who knows, they could be interesting, right?
z out


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